Tools for Affective Deep Tissue (TFADT)12- CE
Massage and bodywork are excellent methods for treating headaches, stress and helping clients reach their goals. However, what if we can boost their healing potential? More efficient recovery from workouts or life stressors!
Tools for Affective Deep Tissue brings the role of the nervous system into 3D focus by teaching new approaches and perspectives. The techniques learned in this class will capture the power of autonomic flexibility for your clients and practice. Lecture topics review anatomy, physiology, and pathological implications of restrictions in the body as well as what release means.
Learn the semantics of stress. By changing the way we look at things, the things we look at change. There are wisdom and value in these approaches and techniques. Engineered to be applied in private practice, spa, franchise, or a doctor’s office. Students will be encouraged to plug into their bodies while exchanging the hands-on work. The tools and techniques from this workshop are designed to help you work smarter not harder while extending your career.